We have received notification that several videos will be removed from
American History in Video and
VAST . The videos in question were distributed through PBS and Direct Cinema. We have included a list of the videos below. We apologize for any inconvenience.
- Africans in America Series
- The Terrible Transformation (1450–1750) Episode 1
- Revolution (1750–1805) Episode 2
- Brotherly Love (1791–1831) Episode 3
- Judgment Day (1831–1865) Episode 4
- American Experience Series
- The Bicycle Corps: America's Black Army on Wheels
- John and Abigail Adams
- Race to the Moon
- Roots of Resistance
- Victory in the Pacific
- Athens: The Dawn of Democracy
- The Between the Wars 1918–1941 Series
- America in the Pacific: The Clash of Two Cultures
- FDR and Churchill: The Human Partnership
- FDR and Hitler: The Dynamics of Power
- FDR and Hitler: Their Rise to Power
- The First SALT Talks
- The Great Depression and Foreign Affairs
o The Italian Ethiopian War: Africa in World Affairs
o Japan Invades China: Crisis in the Far East
o Latin America: Intervention in Our Own Backyard
o The Phony War
o Radio, Racism and Foreign Policy
o The Recognition of Russia: A Climate of Mutual Mistrust
o Return to Isolationism
o The Spanish Civil War
o Versailles: The Lost Peace
o War Comes to Pearl Harbor
- Commanding Heights
- The March of the Bonus Army
- Richard the Lionheart and Saladin: Holy Warriors
- The Sixties: The Years That Shaped A Generation
- The Spartans
Direct Cinema
- Adirondacks
- Angels of Vengeance
- Birth of Language
- D-Day Remembered
- The Disappearance of Martin Bormann
- From Hawaii to the Holocaust: A Shared Moment in
- The Great Commanders Series
- Part 1: Alexander the Great
- Part 2: Julius Caesar
- Part 3: Napoleon Bonaparte
- Part 4: Horatio Nelson
- Part 5: Ulysses S. Grant
- Part 6: Georgi Zhukov
- The Hunt for Adolf Eichmann
- Josef Mengele: The Final Account
- The Klan: A Legacy of Hate in America
- Knute Rockne and His Fighting Irish
- Liberators: Fighting on Two Fronts in WWII
- Men of Bronze: The Black American Heroes of WWI
- Niagara Falls: The Changing Nature of a New World Symbol
- A Note of Triumph: The Golden Age of Norman Corwin
- One Survivor Remembers
- Power of Conscience: The Danish Resistance
- S-L1: America's First Fatal Nuclear Reactor Accident
- Voices from the Attic
- A Weave of Time